Mancini Research was created by Alexander Mancini, with the mission to help investors and traders with small portfolios make money in the stock market.
Alexander Mancini started with a small portfolio himself. While completing is bachelor degree in mathematics he worked as a financial adviser for one of the biggest financial institution in Canada.
He started by investing $1,000 5 years ago in an oil research company, and lost 23% in weeks. Where most people would pack up and leave, Alex saw an opportunity to learn from his mistake.
He studied and practice a lot to combine the financial theory he learned in school and the street smart skills needed to make money in the stock market.
And so here we are, with 5 profitable years under his belt. Alex wants a new challenge by helping other people learn investing and trading through his analysis, opinions, and stock picks.
Alex does not want to be seen as a "financial guru", but rather as an educated and talented investor and trader. He does not believe in magical stock pickers or complex mathematical equations that supposedly read the future in the stock market.
He believes in strong common sense and education to make money in the stock market.